I have this array and I am trying to figure out how to read $id in it. Any ideas?
@history = ( { program => 'racer', version => '0.45', input => { '/home/' => undef, }, input_contents => ' $name = \'Jerry\'; $id = \'035\'; 1; ', perl => { location => '/home/', version => 5.00502 } } );
Hi, the value associated with key "input_contents" seems to be perl code. Thus you can "eval()" it:
<code language="perl"> use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics;
# the data: my @history = ( { program => 'racer', version => '0.45', input => { '/home/' => undef, }, input_contents => '$name = \'Jerry\';$id = \'035\';1;', perl => { location => '/home/', version => 5.00502 } } );
# the problem: read $id "value"
my $input_contents = $history[0]->{input_contents};
# predeclare variables in eval()ed code to satisfy use strict pragma my $id; my $name;
# see perldoc -f eval (eval EXPR) eval $input_contents;
print "Code to be eval()ed:\n"; print "$dummy1\n\n"; print "After eval():\n"; print "\$name=$name\n"; print "\$id=$id\n"; </code>
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