On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 02:08:22 -0800, John W. Krahn wrote:
> $ perl -le'
> my $str = q/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/;
> $str =~ s/([EMAIL PROTECTED])/($a = $1) =~ tr|_|.|; $a/e;
> print $str;
> '
> $ perl -le'
> my $str = q/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/;
> substr( $str, index $str, q/@/ ) =~ tr/_/./;
> print $str;
> '

Here are 2 other methods, just for the heck of it :-)
# Method 1
my $str = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
my ($part1,$part2) = split /@/, $str;
$part2 =~ s/_/./g;
$str = $part1."@".$part2;
print "$str\n";

# Method 2
my $str = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
while ($str =~ m/(?<=@).+?_/) {
   $str =~ s/(?<=@)(.+?)_/$1./;
print "$str\n";

Ram, there is just one thing you should notice - in your question, you
double-quote the string you assign to $str. You can't do that, because
the  perl tries to evaluate the @lmn_p_q part as the name of an array.
So you either have to single quote the string (as John and I did) or
escape the @ sign with a backslash:
   my $str = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";

Hope this helps,
Offer Kaye

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