Hello all.  Please let me know if this is a good place for my questions.

I am trying to read a log file and get a list of how many times an IP address 
get blocked each hour by category PO.  An example line in the log with a block 
[2005-09-28 10:05:03 -7:00] - 
http://www.playboy.com/ blocked 0 PO
What I have kinda works but I am not sure if it is the best practice.  This is 
the first time programming in perl and this is what I have so far:

sub Scanlog {
    local($ipb) = @_;
        open my $slog, "-|", "tail -n 50000 $log" or die "Unable to open 
        open (OUTPUT,">/etc/squid/iplist.txt");
        open (OUTPUT2,">/etc/squid/SuspendIpList.txt");
        while (<$slog>){     # assigns each line in turn to $_
       # use an array slice to select the fields we want
        @data = (split ,$_)[1,4,10,5,7];
        $hr = (split /:/ ,$data[0])[0];
        $ip = "$data[1]";
        if($flag eq $data[2]){
        if($hr eq $hour){
        foreach (/$data[2]/){
        $matches += 1 ;
       if($matches > $blocklimit){
        $ip1 = "$data[1]/32";
        print OUTPUT "$matches,", "$hour, ","$ip1, ", "@data","\n";
        print OUTPUT2 "$ip1\n";
        $matched = $matches;
        $matches = 0;
close (OUTPUT);
close (OUTPUT2);

I will take and help I can get.

Ryan Lamberton

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