On Sun, 2006-09-04 at 12:52 +0800, Practical Perl wrote:
> Hello,
> When I receive a signal (for example,TERM or INT) from terminal,I want to
> get the process exit immediately.But the process have some childs running,so
> he would tell the childs to exit before he exit.So I write a kill statement
> (used to kill childs) in parent's signal handler.For example:
> # defined in parent
> $SIG{TERM}=sub { kill TERM => keys %childs;exit 0};
> where %childs record all childs' PIDs.
> Does this signal handler correct?I don't see anyone defined another 'kill'
> statement in some a singal handler,so I'm comfused about it.
> Thanks.

The correct format for kill is:

  kill TERM, keys %childs;

See `perldoc -f kill`. Yes, you can use kill inside a signal handler.
But when the parent dies, a HUP signal is send to all its child
processes. This happens even if the parent is `kill 9`.

You could do it this way:

  END {
    kill TERM, keys %childs;

which will kill the child processes regardless of how the program ended;
with the exception of `kill 9`, of course.


Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
   --- Shawn

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