Wijaya Edward schreef:

> I tried [...]
>   system( "perl mycode.pl -email 'test_string'
>                           -type  $sometype
>                           -unit  $some_unit" ) ;
> But while debugging for  mycode.pl I can't see the value for
> [-email], while I can see the value for [-type]

Maybe this helps:

  use strict ;
  use warnings ;

  my $foo = '$MAIL' ;
  my $bar = '$PWD' ;

  system qq{
echo \$MAIL -email\\"$foo\\" -type\\'$bar\\'
} ;

  system <<"END";
echo \$MAIL -email\\"$foo\\" -type\\'$bar\\'

  print "ready\n" ;

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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