I thought about this; then I thought about this; and then I thought
about this.

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

>>>>>>"Shawn" == "Mr Shawn H Corey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Shawn> Not everyone who reads this mailing list posts to it. What impression
> Shawn> would his comments leave on them? How can we encourage people to use
> Shawn> Perl if they think they will receive harsh criticism? The fact that the
> Shawn> criticism was to a response and not an original post is unimportant; 
> the
> Shawn> fact that is was done is.
> I never criticize a question here (unless it's homework), so this shouldn't
> be construed by onlookers as a discouragement to ask questions.

First, you should never criticize a homework problem. Everybody has to
learn how to do it right. Like you, I am astonish by those who try to
pull a fast one. I mean I have been programming in Perl for more years
than they have been alive. Do they really think they can pull a fast one
on me? Well, maybe yes, but there are others to set me right.

The proper way to ask a homework question is:

"I have this homework question that I don't understand. Please help me
get started."

Second, even if it's a homework question, what right do we have to treat
it any different? Every question gets an answer; the more details you
give, the more specific the answer.

> I *do* criticize broken *answers* though, so hopefully anyone looking
> on will *test* their answers before posting.  Then the original questioner
> gets *good* code, I can skip answering that, and we *all win*.

It's not the criticism, it's the tone. Everybody makes mistakes; even
the great Randal L. Shwartz (I have a list). If you think somebody else
has made a mistake, point it out. DO NOT SAY EVERYTHING THEY POST IS WRONG!

> This is what I'm aiming for.  Ask all you want, but when you answer, be DAMN
> WELL sure that it's a good answer.  And if you're not sure or you don't have
> time to test, MOVE ON, because someone else will probably answer better,
> faster, cheaper.  There's enough experts in this group already: we don't need
> to be distracted by threads like this where we've had to point out the flaws
> in an answer.
> Thank you.

"Ask all you want," but do not angry the great god Randal L. Schwartz?
Yeah, we who have busted our balls have answers. And we don't care what
you think. All we are trying to do is answer the questions to the best
of our abilities. You may have a better idea. BUT DO NOT THINK WE ARE

You are wrong; not because your answers are wrong; it's because your
attitude is wrong. People ask questions to support their egos; not to
support yours.


Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
   --- Shawn

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by
doing them."

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