> Did you enable ForceArray?
> Did you use Data::Dumper to look at the structure of
what XML::Simple returned?

Yes to both.  I've attached the Dumper output.
(outp.txt).  Given the attached xml file, and your
first snippet/example, I tried to do something very
simple:  print out my dataschema name:

foreach $d (@{$data->{dataschemas}}) {
  print "Dataschema: $d->{name}\n";

It won't print.  I won't include all the variants on
the $d->{name} line I've tried, but all the results
are the same:  nothing outputs.


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$VAR1 = {
          'dataschema' => {
                            'attributes' => {
                                              'attribute' => {
                                                               'category' => '',
                                                               'extract' => 
=> 'soft',
                                                               'parser' => 
                            'includes' => {
                                            'include' => {
                                                           'Base Metadata' => 
                                                           'Extracted Re-Map' 
=> {}
                            'name' => 'defaultDB'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <dataschema name="defaultDB">
      <include name="Base Metadata"/>
      <include name="Extracted Re-Map"/>
      <attribute category="" parser="TextParser" extract="true" segmentation="soft"/>
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