On 12/7/06, hOURS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Thanks for trying, but this right  here is the heart of the matter.  I'd be 
 using alarm to time a certain thing.   It seems to me, any explanation of how 
to do that, be it plain English  or sample code has to incorporate that thing.
                  My program in a nutshell goes:
  Blah blah blah the beginning part
  require  someprogramthatmayhaveaninfiniteloop.pl
  Blah blah blah the ending part
      Note that's not the literal  code.  :)
      As it stands if  someprogramthatmayhaveaninfiniteloop.pl does go on 
forever I will never get to  the ending part.  How would one add  alarm to this 
such that the ending part gets executed regardless?
      Fred Kittelmann
      > Where is the thing being timed?  I understand something is being given 5
> seconds, but what?

Hm... somebody else may explain this much better than I;


The example from the perlfunc should do what you want:

my $timeout = 3600; # 1 hour
eval {
   local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "longRunningModule timed out\n" };
   alarm $timeout;
   require longRunningModule;
   alarm 0;

if ($@) {
   if ($@ =~ /timed out/) {
       # timeout
   } else {
       # some other error

If that isn't doing what you need, you need to provide some sample
code, and a clearer explanation.


-- jay
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