On 08/05/2007 07:21 AM, Jorge Almeida wrote:
Is there some variable that will do for a file what $/ does for a
What I mean is that in
the value of $s depends on the value of $/, but in
I couldn't find a way to force the reading to stop when some character
is found.
Note that reading STDIN line by line and checking for a character won't
do the job, because somewhere in the program I need something like
and later
So, assuming that the program's standard input is redirected from some
file, I would need a way to divide the file into chunks, so that each
chunk would be treated as the whole STDIN each time @arr=<STDIN> or
open(F,"do-something|") appears in the program.
Any suggestion?

What do F and G have to do with STDIN?

The code "while(<F>){...}" does not read from STDIN but from F.

There is no EOF character under Linux. Are you working under Windows?

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