Jorge Almeida wrote:
They're small enough to be slurped. The problem is that the chunk for a
particular command may need to be passed to the shell for processing
before being used by the Perl program. Something like this:
     1        my @all=<STDIN>;
     2        my @chunk=();
     3        for (@all){
     4            last if /^^D/;
     5            push @chunk,$_;
     6        }
7 open(H,"|grep-something-or-whatever|");# yes, I know this doesn't work!
     8        for (@chunk){ print H $_;}
     9        while(<H>){
    10        # do the real work now...
    11        }
The problem, of course, starts with line 7...
I took a look at open(W,"|-") and open(R,"-|"). No good, the program is
too complex to deal gracefully with forking...

See `perldoc perlfaq8` and search for "How can I open a pipe both to and from a 

Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them."

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