On 8/25/07, Gunnar Hjalmarsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> 2007/8/25, Praveena Vittal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>>>  I want to redirect to a different url with the parameters in the post
> >>>> method.

> This is the last para of that section:
> "If the 307 status code is received in response to a request other than
> GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect the request
> unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might change the
> conditions under which the request was issued."
> So I don't think that 307 is the proper status code for a redirect via a
> POST request. In any case it doesn't answer the question how you do it,
> does it?

307 sounds right. The user agent (ie usually the internet browser)
will tell the user that there is a redirect, does the user want to
proceed. The user presses 'Yes' and the POST data gets sent to the new
I think this is what Praveena wants

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