i hope i can clarify what whence means:

        For WHENCE you may use the constants "SEEK_SET", "SEEK_CUR", and
        "SEEK_END" (start of the file, current position, end of the file)
        from the Fcntl module.

whence descripes from where you start counting bytes:

if you use "SEEK_SET" (start of the file) and you jump to 
seek(FH, 10, 0)
youll jump to the 10th byte from the beginning of the file.

if you now do SEEK_CUR
seek(FH, 5, 1);
youll jump to the 15th byte.

if your file is 100bytes large, and youll do a
seek(FH, 1, 2)
youll jump the the byte before the end of the file.


On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:22:18 -0600

> Using perldoc -q tail
> leading to
> perldoc -f seek
> perldoc -f tell
> I'm not getting how to use those functions.  Partly because what
> passes for examples in those docs doesn't use normal language, instead
> they use terms like WHENCE, something that's almost never used in
> normal language.  When WHERE would get the point across at a glance
> instead of having to dig into the details,
> At first I took it to mean something more involved than giving a
> possition.
> No biggee I guess  but then I see:
>                    for (;;) {
>                        for ($curpos = tell(FILE); $_ = <FILE>;
>                             $curpos = tell(FILE)) {
>                            # search for some stuff and put it into files
>                        }
>                        sleep($for_a_while);
>                        seek(FILE, $curpos, 0);
>                    }
> Even here what the heck does `;;' mean.  This stuff is supposed to be
> readable by someone who doesn't know these things.  Even down to
> `curpos'.  I didn't get what it meant for a few seconds.  Why not
> spell it out... $CurrentPostion.  After all clarity is what we're
> after here.
> Again no biggee I guess, 
> However, I still don't see how it is supposed to work.  Is there a law
> against simple examples? hehe.
>  (ok enough complaining ...)
> seek documentation indicates the for loop probably won't be necessary
> unless the IO implementation is `particularly cantankerous'.  So I'm
> guessing there is some easier way to access the stuff below where I've
> told the interpreter to seek to.
> It left me thinking something like this should work but it absolutely
> fails to print tell() from seek(FILE, -($bytes -100) ,2) position.
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> my $bytes;
> open(FILE,">>./myfile")or die " Can't open ./myfile: $!";
>      $bytes = tell(FILE);
>    print "hpdb pre seek bytes <$bytes>  \n";
> print FILE "line\nline\nline\nline\n";
> ## go back to 100 bytes before previous end of file.
> seek(FILE, -($bytes -100) ,2);
> while(<FILE>){ 
>    print "hpdb tell by line:" . tell(FILE) . "\n";
> }
> close(FILE);

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