On Jan 11, 2008 9:43 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have written some stuff - I am just concerned that people on the
> big bad web know far more about these things (oracle - perl) than I
> and that they will, with little trouble, side-step my parameter
> checking.

So, show us your code; and we'll help you figure out what's vulnerable
about it, and point you to the documentation on how to do it better.
(If you're even more motivated, you could hunt down the documentation
on your own in the first place. The big bad web has all the answers to
oft answered questions.)

>  I was simply after tips from people, such as yourself, on
> the best way of approaching the problem i.e. common pitfalls etc

You remind me of the person who asked the famous author for advice on
writing. The author answered, "Start every sentence with a capital
letter, and spell as carefully as you can."

What is your level of knowledge, that we can best help you? You can
best show us your knowledge of Perl by showing us your code.


--Tom Phoenix
Stonehenge Perl Training

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