On Jan 11, 2008 6:47 PM, Chris Charley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> See this colimn by Randal L. Schwartz. It descibes injection attacks.
> http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/UnixReview/col58.html
> Thanks, I read the page, alongside the wikipedia page and I think I
understand what an sql injection is.  My code follows.  The first section is
for a text suggestion drop-down menu - it produces a selection based on the
current user input in a text box and runs a DBI query to get suggestions for
a user.  The details are passed by a javascript routine to catalyst.

sub _build_suggestion_list {
    my ($self, $c) = @_;

    my $table_and_col_name = $c->req->params->{column_name};
    my $current_text       = $c->req->params->{text_input};

    my @well_column_names = @{_get_column_names($c,"T1")};
    my @gi_column_names   = @{_get_column_names($c,"T2")};

    my %genuine_columns = ();
    for (@gi_column_names)   { $genuine_columns{${$_}[0]} = 1; }
    for (@well_column_names) { $genuine_columns{${$_}[0]} = 1; }

#I dont think I need the {1,}
    if ($current_text =~ /\:{1,}|\--{1,}|\#{1,}|\;|insert|drop|create|^$/ig)
        my $tc = "<ul><li>Invalid Input (: ; --; #)</li></ul>";
    } else {
        if ( exists $genuine_columns{$table_and_col_name}) {
            my ($table, $column) = split /\./, $table_and_col_name;
            my $model            = $c->model(q(DB));
            my $dbh              = $model->storage->dbh;

            my $select = ("select distinct $table\.$column from $table where
$table\.$column LIKE \'\%$current_text\%\'");
            my $sql_exe = $dbh->prepare($select); $sql_exe->execute();
            my $results = $sql_exe->fetchall_arrayref();

            my $options = "<ul>";
            for (@$results) {
                $options .= "<li>${$_}[0]</li>";
            $options .= "</ul>";
            }    else {
                my $tc = "<ul><li>The column names are invalid - please see

The next section contains the query constructor.  This takes all the user
input from multiple rows (users can create as many as they want).  I have
limited the options but this, i think, doesn't help because someone could
craft their own post and submit that. The query is run in another subroutine
which returns the data to the template toolkit end of things.

sub _query : Local {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    my $href_params = ($c->request->parameters());

    delete $$href_params{'button'};

    my @well_column_names = @{_get_column_names($c,"T1")};
    my @gi_column_names   = @{_get_column_names($c,"T2")};

    my %genuine_columns = ();
    for (@gi_column_names)   { $genuine_columns{${$_}[0]} = 1; }
    for (@well_column_names) { $genuine_columns{${$_}[0]} = 1; }

    #Are the columns the ones that they should be?
    @{$$href_params{'select_these'}} = grep { $genuine_columns{$_} }

    my $select = "";
    if ( ref($$href_params{'select_these'}) =~ 'ARRAY' or
ref($$href_params{'select_these'}) =~ 'REF') {
        if ( @{$$href_params{'select_these'}} == 0 ) { $select = " T2.y ";}
        else { $select = join(" ,", @{$$href_params{'select_these'}}); }
    } else {
        if ($$href_params{'select_these'} eq "") { $select = "T1.x"; }
        else {
            if ( exists $genuine_columns{$$href_params{'select_these'}}) {
                $select = $$href_params{'select_these'};
            } else {
                $select = "T1.x";

#Two blocks - one for where there are multiple user conditions and the other
for singles
    my $conditional = "";
    if ( ref($$href_params{'conditional_type'}) =~ 'ARRAY' or
ref($$href_params{'conditional_type'}) =~ 'REF') {
        for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$$href_params{'conditional_type'}}; $i++) {
                $conditional .= ${$$href_params{'conditional_type'}}[$i]   .
' ';
                $conditional .= ${$$href_params{'select_column_name'}}[$i] .
' ';

                #Check for foul play
                if (${$$href_params{'user_text'}}[$i] =~
/\;|:|--|#|insert|drop|create|\'|\"|null/ig ) {
                    ${$$href_params{'user_text'}}[$i] = "null"; #This can't
be 'null'

                if ( ${$$href_params{'case_option'}}[$i] =~ /^like$/ig ) {
                    $conditional .= "${$$href_params{'case_option'}}[$i]
'\%${$$href_params{'user_text'}}[$i]\%'"        . ' ';
                } else {
                    $conditional .=
${$$href_params{'case_option'}}[$i]        . ' ';
                    $conditional .=
${$$href_params{'user_text'}}[$i]          . ' ';
    } else {
            if ($$href_params{'user_text'} =~
/\;|:|--|#|insert|drop|create|\'|\"|null/ig ) {
                $$href_params{'user_text'} = "null";
            if ($$href_params{'case_option'} =~ /like/ig) {
                $$href_params{'user_text'} =
"'\%$$href_params{'user_text'}\%' ";
            $conditional = $$href_params{'conditional_type'} . " " .
$$href_params{'select_column_name'} . " " . $$href_params{'case_option'} . "
" . $$href_params{'user_text'};

    _construct_query($self, $c, \$select, \$conditional);
    #pass to Catalyst stash + template

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