You can install modules locally into say ~/perllib and set PERL5LIB
accordingly this works very well if you're home directory is also nfs
mounted on each server.

On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Richard Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> so just to put it out there for my ideas to run more perl scripts at work
> using modules that I cannot install(whether due to lack of knoweldge or just
> don't have
> the right)..
> at work, we have a solaris based unix server(lets say serverK) which is
> being served as central logon for all the daily tasks.
> I don't have root right and I have tried many things to install some modules
> that I wanted to run(DBI,Expect among other things) but could no make it
> work..
> I also have list of linux machine behind serverK, called linux1-4 which btw
> cannot reach any of other servers out
> there(server1/server2/server3.........etc)
> I DO have root right in linux machines and I am installing all the modules
> that I know I want to use..
> What I am planning to do is write the scripts I want to run on SERVERK on
> linux machines and somehow just need to launch them from SERVERK.
> For very simple example, if I wanted to write a perl script(using expect) to
> logon automatically to (server1-4 etc) do something.... is it possible to
> launch
> a script that's stored on linux machine from SERVERK ?
> I have thought of writing a simple shell script which launchs a (from
> SERVERK)ssh session into linux machines using user name with initial script
> to run a perl script and logs off..
> Is that the only way?
> I guess I am writing this to see if there are people with similiar
> problem....
> server1           server2         server3          server4
>  .....................
>                               SERVERK  (this is where everyone logs on &
> need to run the program)
> linux1              linux2              linux3                  linux4
>  (these linux machines under my control)
> --
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[ Rodrick R. Brown ]

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