Hi Paul,


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Paul Lalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 10, 9:15 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sharan Basappa) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After working fine with Algorithm::Permute module for weeks now,
>> suddenly I seem to be getting errors.
>> The particular error is:
>> $ perl StTrAuto.pl
>> Can't locate Algorithm/Permute.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
>> /u/sharan/local/perl/perm_install/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at
>> StTrAuto.pl line 4.
>> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at StTrAuto.pl line 4.
>> First few lines of code which I thought are causing the issue:
>>       1 #!/usr/bin/perl
>>       2 use warnings;
>>       3 use lib "/u/sharan/local/perl/perm_install/lib/perl5/site_perl";
>>       4 use Algorithm::Permute;
>> The interesting thing is that I have an example code elsewhere and
>> that works fine.
>> Again, the first few lines of code from example:
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> use warnings;
>> use lib
>> "/u/sharan/local/perl/perm_install/lib/perl5/site_perl";
>> use Algorithm::Permute;
>> my @array = (1..4);
>> Algorithm::Permute::permute { print "@array\n" } @array;
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] = Algorithm::Permute::permute (@array);
>> Any clues"
> "elsewhere" is the problem.  Algorithm::Permute is not a built-in
> module.  You have to install it manually via the CPAN on every machine
> you want to use it.   Whatever machine you're currently using, you
> haven't installed it - or at the very least, you haven't installed it
> to "/u/sharan/local/perl/perm_install/lib/perl5/site_perl".  Try
> running
> find / -name Permute.pm 2> /dev/null
> to see where, if at all, the module is located on this system.

Hi Paul,

Its the same machine. The only difference is that the directory from
where I run my actual code
is different from the example code. I tried it again to make sure this
is the case.
When I put a find after the path I have included in use lib, I get the
following result:

Ok, let me try installing fresh once again and see if that helps ...


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