Tom & Jay,

Thanks a lot. Actually the user is same. I have confirmed again. I
know it irritates a lot when a help seeker posts incorrect data and
requests support. But in this case, the user is same. I have not gone
deep into the issue. But the distinct difference is that in the
terminal where it works, I have not sourced scripts that I usually do
for my day to day work (paths to tools etc. Some tools use perl)
Needless to say, on the terminal where it works, the scripts are not
sourced. I did try to echo PERL5LIB and see if that is the source
of confusion, but it is undefined in all the terminals.
perldoc -l Algorithm::Permute yields No documentation found for

Anyway, now I know how to make it work consistently. My initial hunch
was that something to do with a variable that was set on
the shell prompt and hence got lost for some reason later.


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