Hi Amit,

Amit Saxena wrote:
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 6:20 PM, Raymond Wan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
Hi Amit,

Amit Saxena wrote:

Using external modules in the home directory is not disallowed, in fact I
keep using few CPAN modules from my home directory like PerlTidy etc.

However the reason for which I want to use an inbuilt module because I
not ask sysadmin people to download and install an external module just
my requirement.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean here...  You DO have
modules in your home directory, but you don't want to ask the sysadmins to
download them for you?  How did you get those modules in your home
directory, then?

By installing them in your home directory, I also mean that *you* download
them yourself.  At first, I thought the sysadmins are preventing you from
installing for strange reasons (disk quota, etc.).  So, in the absence of
someone giving you an answer to your other question, you might want to look
into how to do an install in your home directory.  Check this out:


On the first page, scroll down to the bottom to where it talks about
CPAN.pm.  If that doesn't work, then download the source and compile as the
top of the first link says.

Of course...this is only if no one else can help you with your original
question; I've certainly installed modules in my home directory without ever
bothering the system administrator at all.

And yes, using them should be faster than doing "system ("file")"...


Hi Ray,

There seems to be some confusion here, let me resolve it.

I have already installed some Perl modules in my home directory using the
procedure which is same as what's mentioned in those links as well.

However I use these modules just to explore a new functionality or to test
whether there is any new module which can serve better than the existing

Excluding the user's home directories, any changes to the UNIX system for
databases, application languages, system settings are carefully monitored
and any request for the same goes through a channel where the requester
needs to convince a team about why we need changes in the development

That's why I was exploring if there is already some built-in module, I can
use and explore that.

Sorry, but you haven't cleared things up any better for me. :-) Maybe you can try one more time with me...

If you use the procedures listed in those links, you will be able to:

a)  install Perl modules in your home directory,
b) allow you to explore new functionality and to test which option is best,
c)  remove or update them as you choose, and
c) NOT make any changes to the Unix system because only *you* can use them and you are not modifying any of the system's settings by installing a Perl module

I get this feeling that you think that installing a module is "making a change to the system that would upset a system administrator". You really aren't (well, assuming you are on a Unix system). The changes you are making are really within your home directory -- that is all (and permissions will disallow you from making changes outside the home directory, even if you tried).

Don't get me wrong...if you told me that you wanted a built-in module because "you just want to and it is none of my business", then I'll stop. :-) But it sounds to me that you think installing a module locally [in your home directory] will have any change on the system *outside* of your home directory...it won't. The only reason why I would think a sysadmin would discourage it is if 200 students (say) installed the same module, then 200 times the diskspace would be used...multiply this by the number of modules the class needs; for this reason, I can see why a sysadmin would discourage even a local installation...


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