Hi All,
I have to disagree with this comment:

"I absolutely agree with Vilma -- dogs do not seek revenge or act out to "get
back" at us -- those are human activities."

My female Tibetan Mastiff is definitely the classic TM, aloof, independent and full of 
herself. She was a breeze to housetrain and we rarely had accidents. Well, when she 
was about 5 months old, I had caught her getting into something she shouldn't have and 
proceeded to give her a lecture about her behaviour. As I was wagging my finger at her 
telling her she was bad, she stood up, turned away from me with her butt in the air, 
walked a few paces away, turned around and stared at me with the nastiest stare. She 
then proceeded to squat and pee on my living room carpet while glaring at me! She then 
got up, stared at me, stuck her butt in the air and walked away. I was speechless. 
That was the only time over a period of several months she peed in the house. She's 
also very good at targeting items of people she feels slighted by. If you piss her 
off, hid everything you own because it will get destroyed. And she's an angel 

Liz Murray
Calgary, Alberta

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