Sandy wrote:

"Breeders don't PLAN on scamming their buyers"

Maybe not the breeders you've been hanging around with
for the past 40 years...

But sadly, YES, some breeders DO PLAN ON SCAMMING
their buyers.  

As someone who is acutely aware of the ways that
commercial breeders are marketing their pups, I am
seeing intentionally misleading statements on a
regular basis.  They "jump out" at me because I know
how to read between the lines... for example, I know
that APRI does not honor AKC's limited registrations. 
I know that it is *ridiculous* that a pet owner has to
pay for a supply of a specific supplement, otherwise
the guarantee is null and void - not that it was a
great deal in the first place (40% off another pup
from the same diseased lines - what a bargain - NOT -
this is just a chance to MAKE MORE MONEY off the poor
buyer).  Telling people that Hungarian Bernese don't
get HD... Telling people that their dogs are "show
quality" when they wouldn't know a show potential pup
if it bit them in the behind... the list goes on and
on.  Obvious scams to me... but not so obvious to the

And then there are the ones that label themselves
"responsible breeder" and go on to not provide one
iota of info that a ppo could use to determine what
exactly is meant by "responsible".

Sharon Montville - Firstrax - Colorado

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