Good morning all:

I have a question, and I don't mean to stir any trouble, just something that I wondered about.

I have seen posts here about berners in newspaper ads and I realize that many do not approve of advertising puppies in newspapers. But I'm curious, what's the difference between advertising in the newspaper and advertising in the internet? When it comes down to it, isn't it all the same? There are breeders, what some may consider good and what some in their opinion that they consider not as good, all have done ads of some sort, correct? And they have internet web pages. There's nothing wrong with it in my opinion (web pages that is), however in a way it's still advertising. Just a different means of it.

Is it the advertising that's bad or what's behind the advertising? Does this person advertise for puppies every month? Do they educate the ppos when they inquire, or do they just sell it to the first person who calls with no regard to where the puppy is being placed? Do we care?

I'm just curious if everyone just thinks advertising is just a bad way to sell puppies, or are they just looking for those advertising that are looking to sell puppies that are from puppy mills, etc. Also, when we see ads in the paper, what do we do about them? Just make people aware of the ads and to be weary?

I just get the impression, with a few exceptions, that people just see ads in the newspaper and immediately think they are all bad. Just my perception. Perception can be decieving, so please do not take what I said with any weight, it's just how I see it and I welcome any education in this matter.

Karyn Waugh

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