My 11 week + old berner pup is quite bull headed. If she does not like
to go out or walk after she is out she just sits or lays down. She loves
her home
too much!  I am using different techniques to work with her resistance
but I am looking for the magic bullet  (technique) to work with her
The resistance is not related to her fear of the environment. If
anything she likes studying the environment while trying to eat sticks
leaves stones, etc..
She will follow any dog, man, woman and especially children that come
along. I am using treats for encouragemenrt,  some pulling techniques
suggested by our dog training school and picking her up and carrying her
all else fails. Sometimes I swear she must have a little donkey in her
family history.
Also, she is not warning me when she needs to go out. Using a crate and
timing her feeding is almost 100% effective but if we let her roam in
the house after a few hours she will just pee anywhere. Any advice?

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