> > Does anyone have a Berner that ever acts as a guard dog? you know, not
> > vicious, of course, but warning barks?

Yes, but did she ever take me by surprise! When Maggie was about a year old,
we were both asleep one night (on my bed, of course) when suddenly she
erupted off the bed, rushing to the door with deep, deep barks! As I woke, I
realized there were headlights coming up my driveway -- very unusual, as I
live in a remote area and rarely see a vehicle even during daylight hours.

Turned out it was a lost tourist -- who needed information, but also was
very wary of the big dog I was holding by the collar (so she wouldn't
'greet' him a la Daisy -- but he didn't know that!

Susan, with Djinn and Riley

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