In German the Berner is described as a "Wachhund" - watch dog - and it is my
understanding that such a dog would raise the alarm at something unusual
(stranger, funny noise, etc) by barking. I would also expect such a dog to
calm down when the stranger is recognised or the funny noise investigated
and found to be nothing for concern.

A guard dog (such as a Rottweiler) would not necessarily sound an alarm, but
they often do. They also tend to assess a situation for themselves and sort
out the problem accordingly. However, the Rottie Standard requires a self
assured dog and as such they will be wonderful companions that do not fly
off the handle, but if push comes to shove you can rely on their protective
instincts towards their family.

Having said all that we have one Berner who is not only a very good watch
dog, but who is also very protective towards me and I think he would come to
the party if ever required. He is a dog that was hand fed and reared by me
and I think that as a result he has bonded particularly closely with me.
Definately nurture has triumphed over nature!

Marion Brown
Teversal Bernese Mountain Dogs
South Africa
Dogs Never Lie About Love (Jeffrey Masson)

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