Dear Jean,
What an absolutely gorgeous site. You have really out done yourself.  It is
obvious that you produced this site with all the love, care and concern that
is in your heart for all of these "Fallen Heroes".  I am sure that I am not
the only one who views it with tears present when we see just how
devastating this horrendous disease is. It will be a site that I am sure
will be visited often and over and over again.  As part of the natural
grieving process it is also beneficial for those directly involved to have a
place to go and remember, visualize and focus on their precious companions,
whether it be a recent loss or a loss long ago.
Also, I so appreciate your page that you set up for Stevie's tribute on your
Friends pages. I actually go there often as well. It serves as a reminder
for me as to just how fortunate I am to still have my sweet Stevie here with
me and how lucky I am to be so well supported by so many. Stevie's story
touched so many and it is indeed lovely to share it with others. Thank you
so very much.
Big hugs and gentle kisses
Karen and Stevie

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