Hi Michaela,
I think I may have just been lucky but I recall the time at the US
Nationals at Rhode Island where it seemed a lot of people were picking
ticks off their dogs. I had bathed my dogs prior to travelling with Kennel
Flea and Louse Shampoo and while I always rinse thoroughly some residual
effect may have been at play because my friend's nimble fingers (she's a
seasoned tick hunter) never found one:-) I have since changed shampoos
because it has been some years since my kitties went to heaven and they
were my greatest flea hosts. I now use Miracle Coat that has tea tree oil
in it and I have used body wash with tea tree oil for myself in blackfly
season and have found less trouble with these nasty biting bugs so figured
it was acting as a repellent in the dog shampoo too. Worth a try if you
have it in England:-)

Rose T.

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