On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 06:31:03 -0800 "Carol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     No  one has raised the issue of exercise and bloat. My vet 
> suggested at
> least  three  hours between eating and any exercise to help prevent 
> bloat. I
> was also told that soaking the kibble before eating would help. It 
> swells in
> the bowl instead of the dog. What do you think??

Pat Long has an excellent article of bloat on her website I think. In it
are many experiences with bloat. I know that my dogs eat in their crates
on the ground and usually they are fed about 30 minutes to 1hr after they
exercise. They are fed dry kibble with a spoon of canned food twice a
day. In the evening I add a bit of water to their food to make a gravy
not to soften the kibble. Currently all are well and there are no bloat

The one dog I had that did bloat did so around noon about 4 hrs after
feeding and there was no exercise involved. I had come home from work and
was greeted. I was on the way to run errands and took the dog. He seemed
fine I went into the bank and came out and he was frothing at the mouth
and his stomach was distended. We were off to the vet and he came through
it all ok. Personally I think that bloat like so many other health issues
we see in our dogs is one of common sense and luck working together.....

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

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