----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenneth L Babcock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ok berner experts as a I am a berner in waiting my wife has a concern that
> hopefully someone can respond to? Her concern is allowable length of time
> new puppy can be left at home alone? That is in the event she chooses to
> shopping with the girls or perhaps an occasional day trip.

I would say age in months plus one= approximate number of hours. This
assumes that this is not an always sort of thing--for instance, with
Micawber I had someone come at lunch and walk him on my longer days at work,
so when he was 3 months he would be left no more than 4 hours, and at four
months no more than 5 hours, etc. Obviously this rule of thumb starts to
break down at some point, and individual puppies may have more specialized
needs (anxiety, bladder control not developing on the average, etc). This
also only works if you do a good long attention-giving session before
leaving (tired puppies are good puppies). So the pup should have been played
with, fed, short nap, played with/walked, then crated with a good treat.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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