I just went through a not so nice experience in an obedience class...The
instructor was trying to get ten month old Nicco to quit being such a shark
for his food rewards by teaching him "easy".  She would keep the bait in a
closed fist and rap him on the nose when he was not being gentle
enough...this was not a gentle tap and once was a pretty good punch. Nicco's
reaction was to try to flee from her...I was not happy about his reaction.
It was the first time I have ever seen him try to flee from someone.  I also
did not like the way the instuctor yanked the dogs around when they headed
off in the opposite direction when walking on leash.  I have been through
other obed. classes and I know a good "pop" is effective...I didn't like the
rough yanking I saw in this class.  Am I just showing my inexperience or
does any of this sound kinda rough?  I am going one more week but if I come
away with mixed feelings again then I'll quit this instructor and go

Cindy Reid

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