Hi Cindy,
I wouldn't even go one more week. This instructor is not using motivational
methods at all and punching a dog in the nose is not acceptable. You can
teach good manners for treats by having Nicco sit in front of you with the
treat in a closed fist, do not offer the fist nor move it. You just hold
your fist in front of him and brace yourself for some nibbling and chewing
and poking at your fist. Do not retract your fist nor speak to him, the
very second he sits back and doesn't touch your fist you open your hand
flat and tell him "take it". Repeat a few times and extend his wait time
and at some point he will glance at you and you reward by telling him to
"take it". You should also be teaching him "leave it" and this is done by
having a treat under your foot and pivoting your foot off the treat and
telling him "leave it" the treat is only exposed for a second and quickly
covered with your foot if he moves to take it. The second he looks at your
foot and then looks towards you tell him to "take it" while pointing at the
treat. These two methods will soon teach him that you are the dispensing
machine and there is an order in which he gains the food or attention.
Sitting nicely in front and waiting:-) If he is still grabbing like a shark
take a small soft treat and hold between your thumb and forefinger and when
he goes to snatch get in there with the treat and press onto the roof of
his mouth, he will likely back off as if he has something stuck and think
about his approach. It is an old method of flicking the nose when baiting
to prevent the dog eating the handler's fingers but it is a long way from
punching on the nose. I think your trainer would probably potty train a kid
by sticking their head down the toilet!!

Definately find yourself a more experienced and up to date trainer and you
may find someone on the Association of Pet Dog Trainers that has a website

Rose T.

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