----- Original Message -----
From: "Julie E. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm new to the list.  I am considering whether the berner is the right
> breed for our family.  I have researched the dogs and have learned that
> SOME drool.  If a dog is going to be a drooler, at what age does this
> typically start?  Can this trait be seen in the pups?  For the dogs that
> are droolers, how bad is it?  I hear it is not as heavy as St. Bernards,
> but I am imagining more than our golden retriever who shares his latest
> drink with us?

Even the droolingist Berners I've met are *nothing* on Nessie the Newfie
bitch. My rescue Pyr, Cassie, is a moderate drooler when worried; Mic the
Berner boy and Lliira the Pyr girl are not droolers. Nessie was throwing
spit *everywhere* by 4 months of age. It's like egg whites, man. Takes the
varnish off my woodwork (I'm not kidding!). Mic is similar to a Goldie in
drool factor; I don't think many Berners are big time droolers. Look at mom
and especially dad--that should show you what your chances are. And if the
dog does drool . . . trust me, you can get used to anything!

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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