Hi All,

My Xenta is 8 now; her parents lived to 10 and 13. There is an old Berner gal here in town who celebrated her 11th birthday last month. Many of them live to a ripe old age, but the early cancer deaths bring the average age of death way down.

        terry thompson
        missoula, montana

At 02:33 PM 05/29/03 -0400, maria wrote:
Hi List,

I've been following this list since last September and see all of the
postings about cancer deaths (Histio roll call) and other illness
related Berner deaths. This got us wondering if there are any of you out
there who had a Berner who died of old age and if so to what age did
they live. It can't be as bad as it sounds. We love our little guy very,
very much and know that the average life span is only 6-7 years because
of the illnesses they are prone to. We would really like to hear some of
the stats on the lucky Berners who live a long, full, happy, and healthy
life. Let us know.

Maria, Mark, Arabia (the Lab) and Jack (the Berner)
Ringwood, NJ

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