Dearest Listers,

As an international member of this list, my perspective is sometimes
somewhat different - not often but sometimes. Our love of Berners has
gathered us here - many of us have our hands full just keeping the Berner(s)
in our homes happy and healthy, some of us have progressed beyond our own
hearth in our efforts for the welfare of Berners in general.

I actually read every post, even the ones about "meet us at such and such a
park next Saturday for a hotdog/parade/walk/clinic". The combined energy of
this list is astounding as well as impressive - and the sharing of our
Berner-joys, our Berner-concerns and our Berner-issues gives momentum to new
ideas, inspiration and education beyond this forum around the globe.

The Lancaster County discussion has been very educational for this Berner
lover sitting on the other side of the world - though I was aware of the
Amish and their puppy mills, I wasn't as informed of the situation as I am
now. Even overseas breeders love and care about the dogs they produce. Some
of them read this list or know people that do. That membership in the BMDCA
doesn't necessarily guarantee that a uniform code of ethics is adhered to,
is also very good information for people not close enough to experience
goings-on at a national level. The Lancaster County posts have all made very
good points as is often the case when people on this list disagree.

Although I knew prong/pinch/shock collars are illegal in this country, I
learned today that there are other countries where they are not considered
acceptable animal practice. I'm glad Marion had the time to share that with

Reading about the personal stories of Choupette and her family of heroes in
France/Jeddah, Stevie's and Karen's accident and miraculous recovery, all
the new Berner owners with their fears and struggles teach me courage,
patience and hope. People sharing their sorrow and confusion when losing a
cherished Berner touch me deeply.

Hopefully, anyone having the interest to make the effort to join a list such
as this one, is also willing to listen carefully to all the issues and
information discussed - from all points of view and with empathy. I
certainly hope to be able to read in future about anything and everything
that goes on in the dog world of Berner-listers, however controversial or

Hugs to all, and I really mean it

Cecilia Ståhl & Griffin
Stockholm Sweden

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