A fit well exercised dog will cope better with dysplasia than an unfit one.
If you exercise your puppy you cannot create dysplasia ..you will only
possibly bring to the surface an already underlying problem.  But a fit well
muscled puppy will be better off with or without dysplasia.  Of course if
the puppy is lame you need to rest him / her...but once the limping stops
slowly build up some muscle tone again by walking.

I have experienced on a number of occassions vets tell my puppy owners that
their pups have dysplasia.  When consulted I ask the owner to ensure xrays
are sent to a specialist radiologist for a report ...99% of the time the
specialist reports back that there is no problem.  Of course no hips are
perfect and if the vet is comparing BMD xrays with fox terrier xrays the
BMD will always look worse.

Shoulder OCD is very easily fixed with surgery ..its the best to have if you
have to have any of it.  As the shoulder is the first point of contact in
any body slamming game or a clumsey pup running into something you can often
have soft tissue or ligament damage which can take a while to heal.

Although a puppy might have periods of lameness growing up, often problems
right themselves after the growth phase is complete.  In some cases I would
not rush to have surgery performed...especially if the dog is not cronically

How many stairs are we talking about when lifting?  I think a Bernese puppy
can manage a few stairs ok ...the problem lies with a puppy deciding he/ she
might just skip the last 6 and do a superman act off the verandah etc.

These are just my opinions.  All the best with your baby!

Nicole Lennon
Zanzebern Bernese Australia

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