Hi Tracey,
I'm sorry your puppy has been diagnosed with hip dyplasia and that as a
result of your personal experiences you have a dim view of the breed but
the Berner does not deserve to be extinct, there are many strong healthy
Berners living with a true zest for life that enriches their owner's lives.

When researching you need to ask about family history, siblings of
ancestors need to be considered. Whatever breed you decide to investigate
if they have a list such as this ask questions about problems and seek out
a mentor who can tell you about important dogs in the breed's history and
which of those are noted for their excellence in passing on the traits you
deem important. You need to see more than a three generation pedigree in
order to see how closely related the more recent ones are and then ask as
to whether this has been a positive thing or not. Outcrosses can be a stab
in the dark but not all close breedings are necessarily a good thing
either. Ask loads of questions and check back with others for accuracy.

All the best with your puppy and your future choices, I hope your
breeder(s) have been supportive to you.

Rose T.

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