In the late 70's a lady, who had a vision for improving the orthopedics of our breed, was promoting the idea of evaluating the progeny at age 2 yr. before considering breeding either the sire or dam again. This was in the day of trying to get breeders to xray breeding stock for hip dysplasia.

Hip evaluations eventually became an accepted practice and opened the door to elbows, eyes, thyroid, Vwb, heart.... B-G and Ron's database have been instrumental in sharing information on relatives, meaning sibs, half sibs, aunts, uncles in addition to parents, grandparents to help breeders with breeding decisions. With the population of Berners on a high in the year 2003, maybe breeders might consider waiting for 2 years before breeding either the dam or sire again...... maybe that might lead to increased longevity as 2 years is a long time to wait with a breed whose life expectancy is 7......

There are some repro vets who claim that a bitch can and should be bred every heat cycle. In the wild nature probably would have handled an over abundance of offspring, but in today's society we really don't need that many puppies.....of any breed.
April Rifenburg

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