2006-05-08 20:32:19.7901   Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP
2006-05-08 20:32:23.1430 Select Task > 0.5 : 4.31901407241821

This one is not actually a problem as the "Response Time" has not
exceeded the threshold.  It means the task is doing some tricks to
stream audio while it is running, i.e. the task runs for longer than
the threshold, but the response time does not.

Right.  There are 2 reasons processHTTP could take a long time:

1. Long time to render templates. This situation is handled by calling idleStreams during each template's processing phase so should not cause problems.

2. Long database queries (Browse Albums, etc). This cannot currently be worked around and will cause dropouts. Once we get to split- scanner if we still have DB performance issues we can revisit. I also worry about people with low-end CPUs such as NAS boxes.

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