Christopher Key wrote:
> The log seems to suggest that XML::Parser and YAML::Syck are either built
> correctly (or alternatively that they are not being built at all, and are
> hence being loaded sucessfully from the system CPAN path), but that most of
> the rest of the modules are failing.  I've just update
> slightly so that it'll report where the modules are being loaded from
> regardless of whether some modules fail to load, so it would be interesting
> to run --d_startup again.  I can't really comment of
>, so would suggest that until someone better qualified
> can comment, that you try installing DBD::SQLite and Compress::Zlib (and
> optionally, GD and Locale::Hebrew).

I had to manually upgrade my CPAN version, and then
hand installed DBD::SQLite  Compress::Zlib

and CGI::Util

So far, it is at least starting, and scanning my library.

Running 6.5b1 - 7390 - Linux - EN - iso-8859-1
which is a couple of days old. So far, it is too soon to
tell about the struggling SB1


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