Thanks for your feedback. I'll to regroup your impressions:

> - A lot of wasted space.
> - Huge page margin - looks like at least 20 pixels.
> - 50 pixel album thumbnails by default are really, really small.
> - I'm not partial to the list view in gallery mode, but I suppose
>   without the ability to resize the browse frame, it may be better than
>   the columnar approach.
> - Too sparse of a home page, requiring an extra click to get to all
>   the browse modes.

These are design decisions still subject to change. That kind of feedback  
is important to us, so we know what's bothering the users. Thanks.

> - I wouldn't want thumbnails in the playlist, so I would think that
>   needs to be an option.
> - Control images (repeat, shuffle, etc.) need alt/title tags.
> - Songinfo page layout isn't being put into columns.

Consider these on the todo list, or not yet implemented.

> - I don't know if it makes sense to me to pull the album info up in a
>   dynamic window, then display track info in the main browse window.

That's on the todo list. Actually we've been discussing this a few minutes  

> - Volume control is awkward.

Awkward in what way? What did you try? What would you expect?

> - The first time I played a song, it launched a new window/tab.  The
>   same as the now playing (player control) pane.  Hasn't been
>   repeated.
> - During playback of the first track when playing an album, no track
>   information is displayed in the now playing pane.

This shouldn't happen. I guess it's an issue with the browser's or the  
server's cache. If it would happen again, try flushing the browser's cache  
and SlimServer's Cache folder.

Thanks again for your feedback. Stay tuned for improvements to come.



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