> After a few successful d'n'd's, I had a failure. Whilst dragging, I couldn't 
> see the insertion line, and the other items in the playlist were being 
> highlighted as I dragged the item over it.  I released the item, and then I 
> noticed that I had a duplicate.  I repeated this a couple of times,then 
> thought I'd SVN up in case I had an intermediate release.

Cool - add songs using d'n'd. A feature that has been asked for ;-).

Did you see any JS error while doing these tests? Any chance you can reproduce 

> My current playlist had changed to some album that I played a couple of
> restart, I may get my random songs playlist on both players?

AFAIK Random Play playlists won't survive a restart.

> Perhaps the d'n'd goes wrong because of synced playback too?  I've got to go 
> to work now, so can't investigate more now.

It shouldn't, but I'll test. Thanks!
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