One thought.  The white/grey boxes, which I know are staying, still
seems somehow unfinished, incomplete, not fully loaded.  Perhaps
something could be done to dress them up a bit.  They are just
rectangles that go from edge to edge on the top, bottom and sides now. 
Rounding the corners (I know a lot of work) would soften that.  Also, if
there was a border of the dark grey around them to somewhat frame them? 
It just seems to fall off now - not really a part of the screen. 
Perhaps a touch darker as well so that it seems more like something is
there - but that probably makes it less high contrast - although using
black instead of grey for text would probably counter that.

Actually the forum, here, when you are actually writing a message does
a pretty good job of bordering light grey with middle grey with a touch
of 3D shading around the edges to give everything a finished look.  I'd
suggest a sunken look to the rectangles - for some reason that seems
more correct than raised to me.

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