>> The problem is: There is no way these things get announced.
> Any developer should subscribe to the checkins mailing list.

Far too true.  Everything goes there, and folks get soundly razzed if  
the comments are crap, plus any that link to bugs get linked and have  
comments in the bug. Putting the same info into wiki, announcements,  
forwards, stickies, release notes and repeat every week or so to catch  
everyone up very quickly runs into no time to actually write code and  
fix bugs.  There is limited time for everyone, no matter how much they  
get paid (or stay up nights).

The checkins can be overwhelming especially when the pace has been  
going so full on as it has been for a long time now.  I would suggest  
signing up anyway, just to give it a go.  You can filter later based  
on subject, say anything that's HTML or in the Slim/Web modules.   
Perhaps Slim/Control if you use the cli for any of the js interfaces.   
That should give you a bit better focus for anything you might need to  
check up on later. Often is just takes a glance to notice that  
something affecting you has changed, and you can take a longer look on  
ly when you have to.

Backward compatibility is a big deal, and it is always a top concern.   
As odd as it may seem, backward compatibility also applies when  
looking forward.  It is important to make the changes during beta when  
people have been warned that some changes will come.  It is always  
much harder once an official release is out.  This is part of the  
reason that 7 is so long in the making.  It does break things from  
6.5, and it needed lots of time for gathering feedback.

beta mailing list

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