y360;277749 Wrote: 
> I think that the change is essentially required by Vista.
> Running under UAC (User Account Control) programs can no longer change
> files under Program Files folder

That's sort of the point: they shouldn't be.  Neither can people logged
into my properly setup XP PC as users.  If you are "properly" running
Squeezecenter as a System Service it should not have its config files
somewhere where anyone logged in can bork them up.  I think it's fine
that the new Squeezecenter can be run as an insecure app for Joe
sixpack (if his botnet PC has enough CPU cycles left ;-) ).  However, I
always liked Slimserver because it, by default , ran as a proper, and
secure, service.  It is disappoiting SqueezeCenter seems to be moving
away from that paradigm; on Windows at least.  Ahh well, if I
understand correctly I can just launch the service with a few flags and
have it look back in the protected Program Files locations.

Daryle Tilroe
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