>I hope the very idea of a sync "direction" is being done away with.
>The only downside to the zone concept, if it can be considered a
>downside, is that you're no longer targeting players with which to
>sync.  You'd say "I'm joining a zone" or "I'm leaving a zone".

Joining a zone is directional - I think what you mean is you always want the 
direction to be one-way.  Joining a zone would make the instruction "I want 
this player to play what is in zone xxx".

I also quite like to be able to "sync player xxx to this one" (or "tell player 
xxx to join this zone").

I don't mind that concept of zones, but it doesn't work for everyone.  It 
requires the zones to be configured first, and it generally works for 
single-purpose non changing players.

Ad-hoc syncing one player with another would become a harder action.  Eg. a 
Boom, which is kind of portable, may be used in a bedroom, and could form an 
"Upstairs" zone.  But it could be moved during the day into the kitchen or into 
the garden for a BBQ.  Before doing that, you'd have to configure a zone called 
"BBQ", and "Upstairs" would then not be right.  So "sync to player n" may still 
be a useful concept.
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