I convinced Ben to add the dynamic playlist mode (not the party mode,
that was his awesome idea) based on the long standing frustration that
folks have when they accidentally hit the PLAY button when creating a
playlist and lose all their hard work.

The concept was simple: modify the behavior of the PLAY button when
Squeezebox thinks you are creating a playlist.  

Here's what I proposed:

1.  The ADD button continues to do exactly what it's done all along

2.  The first time you press the ADD button, the behavior of the PLAY
button is modified to...

3.  do an add-next (i.e. add the selected item to the playlist so as it
will be played immediately after the currently playing song), and not
clear the playlist and...

4.  stay in this new mode until the user turns off the device, clears
the playlist, saves the playlist or explicitly turns off the mode (from
the settings or with the press-hold of the ADD button as a shortcut)

The behavior that Philip Meyer saw that caused the ADD button to be
different was not as designed.

I'd like to get more feedback on this once we get it working reliably. 

I agree it's not ready to be turned on by default as it stands now, but
as I like to say, it's "good enough to complain about".

Thanks for your patience and feedback...

dean's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=55135

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