MrSinatra;428214 Wrote: 
> (atrocity, did you find a specific album WITH comp tags and AA set that
> did NOT sort in VA, and instead sorted under AA?)

I'm looking at "Beyond the Wildwood: A Tribute to Syd Barrett"'s
tagged as COMPILATION=1 and ALBUMBARTIST='Syd Barrett'.  It shows up
when I browse artists to "Syd Barrett" and it shows up when I browse
artists to "Various Artists".  That seems correct to me.

As for your other question about COMPILATION=0, no, I did not yet do a
clear and full rescan.  I have a Perl script that runs on Sunday
night/Monday stops SqueezeCenter and blows everything away,
then restarts SqueezeCenter to trigger a full rescan.

As far as I can tell COMPILATION=0 gets me nothing I need, adding it
just appeals to some neurotic need of mine to compulsively check all the

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