Philip Meyer;435436 Wrote: 
> >You can look for "ERROR SCANNING" in scanner.log, but since the number 
> >of songs matches I doubt you'll find any errors.  The code for  
> >handling multiple artists, etc, is basically unchanged, so I'm not  
> >sure what could be wrong.
> No errors in my log relating to the scanner.
> What is the easiest way of extracting the list of artists from
> Squeezebox Server?  I tried to get the list of artists from the CLI
> using "artists" command, but the output isn't very friendly.
> I can extract the distinct list of album artists from the albums table
> from each DB engine, but this isn't the same SQL that is used to
> populate the Browse Artists list.
You can try using my SCCLITool.exe cli tool.  It has a -t option that
will decode the %encoding of the the artists.

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