peterw;459257 Wrote: 
> Taking your thought a step further... if Logitech won't support "+" for
> more/context menu on old/IP3K players, maybe ContextMenu should offer
> the current Add actions as context menu choices and hijack "+" so that
> it makes IP3K devices behave more like the new SP gear? I worry about
> the disrepancy between UIs... I have a house full of SB3s, and if Touch
> behaves differently, it will be harder for me to mix-and-match SB3 and
> Touch, and I'd be more likely to stick with the old hardware. Perhaps
> having ContextMenu hijack "+"/Add would help minimize the differences
> and make it easier to incorporate new gear or slowly migrate to a
> "colony" of SqueezePlay-based devices.
If you select to override Add it's probably a good idea to make it
possible to turn this off for users that use the "Add" button a lot but
still wants to be able to use ContextMenu plugin.

How will it work if you override "Add", will it only happen in standard
menus or will it also happen in third party plugin menus ? 

I'm asking since I know I'm using "Add" in some of my plugins and I'm
not sure if these works correctly with ContextMenu.


Erland Isaksson
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