Tom Wadzinski;459402 Wrote: 
> "+ press" as "open CM" is basically set in stone as the default for 7.4.
> "+ hold" works as the old "+ press", that is "Add to End"
> There is a ShortcutsApplet that is most likely not getting into 7.4 due
> to time running out that allows you to customize the button's press and
> hold to perform custom behavior.  I'd have like to have seen this get in
> to the release, but it looks like it will not.
> In the meantime, for users wanting to change the defaults, you can
> modify the file /usr/share/jive/jive/InputToActionMap.lua to modify the
> and keyActionMappings.hold mappings to remap,
> for instance, "KEY_ADD" press to "add_end" and "KEY_ADD" hold to
> "play_next". Note: there is still a bit of internal cleanup I'll be
> doing shortly to the action names (for instance "play_next" isn't
> currently there), that won't affect the underlying mappings, so I'd wait
> until the next nightly before trying out manipulating the
> InputToActionMap.lua file.

And a thousand old-school users breathe a sigh of relief.  Thanks for
posting this.  It even enables the correct actions when browsing the
Music Folder (where as I noted previously there was no way at all to add
a folder to the playlist next).  I desperately hope that this solution
to the problem does not go away.

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