gharris999;495236 Wrote: 
> Pippin: would you be willing to compare and contrast your experience in
> terms of 3rd party developer support between Logitech/Slimdevices and
> Apple?  Availability of documentation?  Stability of APIs?  Willingness
> of the 1st party to answer questions / provide help? 

Well, I've written some things in that other thread I linked.
But OK.
The one funny thing is that if you asked iPhone developers who do not
know Logitech about a comparison they would probably tell you that
nobody treats developers as bad as Apple 8) Lots of bad mood in that
community right now about the App Store approval process which is
completely transparent.

That said: Direct developer feedback always has been and still is a big
strength at Logitech. Apple (who have to deal with a much, much bigger
number of developers, to be fair) are trying to be open and have direct
communication, but of course they can't provide the same level.

Also, they invest heavily into developer support. They do big, well
prepared developer events and while the WWDC costs money (and quite a
bit) the tech talks, for example, are free (albeit for a limited number
of participants).

But that's the subtext.

The BIG difference is that Apple has a 3rd party development strategy.
They have stable APIs, documentation and training for this, you can ask
questions about it. But the MOST important part is: they are reliable.
If something works today, it will very likely work in the next release.
APIs are deprecated over several releases. If there still are upcoming
incompatibilities, you know about them half a year in advance. THIS is
the important point.

Logitech has much more open developers and you can often get hand-on
help in the forum (although I also did get quite a bit of hands-on help
from Apple, too, yet Logitech even now in this "under pressure"
situation beats them).
But APIs and release strategies are somewhat disorganized, things break
from one build to the next and it is up to you to find out what has

MY big concern is that I'm deeply convinced that the quality problems
we are seeing are also rooted in this very behavior, it's not only an
issue for 3rd parties.

JJZolx;495238 Wrote: 
> The killer app is third party development.


BTW, some asked about the "integration" thing. Have a look at VortexBox
if you want to see something that comes close in functionality (although
being a whole OS distribution it's probably aiming too far for what
would be needed here).


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at
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